BeesWall Desktop Version Installation

Unlock your full potential with Beeswall Desktop Software, the ultimate digital knowledge library. With Beeswall, you’ll save time, streamline your research, and boost your brain power like never before.


Install today and experience smarter, more efficient access to the information you need, when you need it most.


PS: A valid licence is required. You need at least to register for Free on to receive a Free Licence.

How To Receive 30-day Free BeesWall Premium Licence

Discover how you can receive for Free a BeesWall Premium through our paiement provider Stripe.


For an Enterprise licence, please contact your sales partner or reach out to us at [email protected]


How To Use BeesWall Desktop

This video describes the features of BeesWall leading to the following benefits:

– 66% of time saved in data management 

– Breaking Information Silos

 Be more creative and in deep focus

Here are more explanation of the features:

On Walls view, data is synchronized with underlying data: If changes (edit, delete) are made on the Wall, the underlying data is also changed

On Workspace view, if you delete a Wall, all the data from the Wall will not be changed.